First of all, I just want to cover a few important but weird topics. The first is the alarming appearance of a word that I have been misspelling my entire life. It is: "raspberry". When it was rejected by spellcheck, I knew at once that it fell into an elite category of my misspelled words. That would be the "Gosh - I've never spelled this word correctly, and it's so easy, I really should have learned and remembered how to spell this in the 4th grade" category. I've got other categories available:
- "I seldom use this word and it's so hard that I'm just going to forget it and let spellcheck catch it every time". Examples: daiquiri, colonel
- "This might be tough, but I really should learn this in case I'm authoring a hand-written note to a superior at work, and don't have access to spellcheck". Examples: personnel, millennium.
- "i before e except after c exceptions". Examples: weird, foreign (ok, fine. I've never had a problem with "foreign", but there aren't that many words that violate the rule)
Because we've just moved, I'm again writing my signature on the back of the new bank cards I get. This process is absurd. Why do I have to try and sign a little box the size of a toothpick on the back of my card in order to make it valid? This reminds me of another silly ritual: signing the electronic pads at the store after swiping my card, or for that matter, signing anything at all. I think it is time to start using some of my favorite names instead of my own, just to enjoy the process more. Some names I have liked for some time:
- Milton Flinders
- Joyce Frankenberg
- Boutros Boutros Ghali
- Deco (famous soccer player AND saves time in checkout line)

Here are a few other pictures from last week. We finally took Asha to the beach, just to show her that it is as cold as we're telling her it is.

1 comment:
Ohhhh...the pictures are so cute! I love the dock one where everyone looks happy except Jerome...who looks like he's trying to execute a complicated pose...did you tell Asha and Jez to put thier left hand on the leg of the person next to them? Thanks for the blog. Glad to hear that you like San Diego (actually, I shouldn't put words in your mouth...but everyone looks like they're having fun...)
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