Sunday, October 28, 2007

Let me state up front that I don't really think I have anything useful to say this week, but I'll post anyway. Yesterday, I went surfing at an old man break about 20 minutes from our house. I've been feeling like surfing more recently - not sure why. Average age of old men at the old man break is about 55. They think it's a little weird to see someone like me paddle out, but they know what's going on when they see how bad I surf. The waves move slowly there, and a shortboarder could never get up. It was fun, although the waves were almost non-existent. The crowd reminded me of the tenor section at I-Wash. A bunch of guys that had been around forever, laughing at each other and making irreverent comments. It was a really laid-back vibe, though, and was fun to talk to them. Surfing has been a good hobby because it doesn't cut into family time that much (just sleep). Normally, I either go before work, or on Saturday morning at about 5:30.

Let me make a few needless comments about the Cougs. It has been nice that they are so bad this year because I am a lot less nervous about the games (Mari thinks it is cute/irrational that Wazzu football games make me pitsweat). Now, with the season pretty much in the tank, it was fun to sit back and watch the Cougs put some other team's season in the tank. My take on this week's performance: they aren't much better than they used to be, but at least they've figured out how to run the offense against a team that will swarm our receivers to take away the pass. I still don't think the Cougs will go to a bowl (if they do, could you please make it the Poinsettia Bowl?) since they would have to finish 3-1 and get some help, but it's still fun to watch the games.

Well, that's about it. Oh, our rented house almost burned down this week.


twoplustwins said...

Having been at the game, I can sum it up in two words: Xavier Hicks' hit on Brandon Breazell that you could hear from Dad's old office in Johnson Hall. Man, that was sweet.

thebrotherofjared said...

It was nice to see the Cougs win for once... Jared's still bouncing off the walls.

cougarbballrocks said...

I was at the game and what I think is that we didn't win because their players were injured, we won because we injured their players (one of them tore his ACL and is out for the season)

cougarbballrocks said...


Grandma's Musings said...

Not the subject I expected for this blog. Sweat over the Cougs, but evacuating your house for a couple of days and facing the loss of your worldly possessions, no sweat.