Sunday, January 20, 2008

This week I was labeled a gross polluter. I had taken my car into the test-only smog center because in California, you have to get your car smogged every 2 years. The name of the establishment was "15 minute smog test". After 50 minutes and no sign of any results, I asked why I was still waiting. After all, it seems that if I have gone to an establishment named "15 minutes smog test", this outfit should have only 1 purpose in life - to get my car tested in 15 minutes. So anyway, the guy came back with the bad news about 5 minutes later - there was something wrong and I was probably responsible for many of the pollution-related instances of respiratory failure in the greater San Diego area. The test results spelled out this conclusion in no uncertain terms: "gross polluter". I somehow find this hard to believe. Every day I spend my commute jockeying for position with scores of Escalades, Suburbans, and Hummers that have brontosaurus-sized carbon footprints, and I'm the gross polluter? I also find the label interesting. Whenever I hear of some company that's been sued for negligence, I assume they probably made some ill-advised decisions. If they are sued for gross negligence, however, I'm forced to conclude that the company in question is staffed entirely by irredeemable mouth-breathers. My car apparently had a bad O2 sensor, which my honest mechanic Ivan replaced, getting my ride back on the right side of the law for $250. I'm not joking about my mechanic being honest, though. He really is good, and has never upsold me on anything.

That's about all for this week.


twoplustwins said...

If only Ivan fixed teeth, we'd be down there pronto.

Jules said...

An honest mechanic and an honest dentist (oh, and straightforward, efficient, smart, cheap). How much more do you need in life?

gillian said...

Irredeemable mouth breathers?

Grandma's Musings said...

Gross polluter? So you get called names for obeying the law? That's CA for you!

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