Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Quinn is getting some treatments under the lights today. He is our Aquabats baby, as you can plainly see.


Champs de Ble Weeds said...

Thank you for posting pictures. We are thinking of you. All the kids look pleased. All the best.

yurika said...


thebrotherofjared said...

Thank you for posting pictures, and the new baby is looking very cute!

Grandma's Musings said...

What a beautiful, well-fed baby! I can hardly wait to meet him in person. And what a nice name. Ceci tells me that his middle name is Makoto, of which I also approve (as if it mattered). Marie looks like she weathered the ordeal the best of anyone.

Jules said...

Cute, cute baby! Congratulations! And great name, too.

Jules said...

Once a friend's husband called to tell me that their baby had been born. I asked what she looked like. He said, " most babies, she looks a little like Spencer W. Kimball in his later years." But when I look at a little newborn face (as long as it isn't my OWN little newborn's face) I just feel that warm, peaceful baby hugging feeling and smell that perfectly sweet, clean new baby smell, and that little scrunched up face is more than cute. It's beautiful!

Gillian said...

Last night I had a dream that I saw you guys in the supermarket and I saw your new baby in the cart and asked what his name was and you said "Eleazar" like the man who baptized Brigham Young. I was really sad because, in my dream, that's what I was going to name our baby. Anyway, we never thought about Quinn, so that's great!

Allison said...

Congratulations! What a beautiful, darling baby. I hope Marie is recovering well. Good job Mari!

Joe said...

Mucho congrats!!