Monday, April 21, 2008

I squandered all my blogging time making this video.  You will see examples of me wiping out, kids sliding, my brothers in law shredding, my son shoving, my ninja father in law, and other crazy things.  For Ohki family members not pictured, you need to hang around the camcorder a little more next time.  For Campbell family members who fret that I have not yet emotionally returned from Hawaii, I'm afraid you're right.  


Anonymous said...

We love it!!! Uncle Scotty is the best!

Joe said...

Very cool!

Jules said...

5yoNigel says, "Mom, is that real? Are people really doing that?"

Stuart said...

From the awesome storyboard to the killer soundtrack, that was, well, SUPER RAD!

I think you've missed your calling in life, Scott. Of course, there is still time. And you're so close to LA anyway, why don't you go to the film school at USC?

All10Dixons said...

wow, that is awesome! Where'd you get the soundtrack? We all thought it was uber-funny!