Sunday, April 13, 2008

This blog starts with a disclaimer: I apologize up front for blogging about the Ohki reunion. I do realize that spending a couple of weeks in Hawaii is riotous living. I also realize that I'm not worthy of having such great inlaws - I have done nothing to deserve them.

First things first - I will now fess up to partaking in an activity which is on the Campbell's "unacceptable" list. That activity is: going to the tanning salon. A couple of weeks before the reunion, I decided to plunk down $100 for 10 or so trips to the fake bake booth. I made this decision for a couple of reasons. First, every time I go to Hawaii or Costa Rica or something, I always get a really bad, painful sunburn on a patch of skin where I forgot to put sunscreen. The other reason, which I do admit, is that compared to Mari, our children, and all of my inlaws, I look shockingly white. It's not just that I'm a white guy - it's that I'm one of the whitest guys ever, and nearly all of my inlaws, their kids (and even my kids) have nice tans. I just wanted to take the albino factor down a few notches. It turned out that a couple of weeks is enough time to get a "base" but not much else. I went to the store and stood in the booth for a few minutes at a time, felt like a rotisserie chicken, and ended up a few shades darker by the time we left but was certainly not tan (if any of my inlaws are reading this, they will find it hard to believe that I fake-baked) . I never got a "burn" from the tanning booths, and although I did feel a little itchiness, it was never painful at all. The real benefit came in Hawaii when we spent a long period of time outdoors at the beach or at golf. There were a couple of times I would have gotten a terrible burn from neglecting to re-apply sunscreen, but because I had gotten a base beforehand, it wasn't a problem at all. I don't know if it was worth $100, but I think it turned out to be good thing. I have no interest in tanning on a regular basis, though, and am convinced it would probably lead to skin cancer. For any nieces or nephews reading, I would also like to say that so much as setting foot in a tanning booth is guaranteed to give you lethal skin diseases.

Coming back from the reunion was difficult on many levels. Here is an actual conversation I had with my stomach on Monday morning:

STOMACH: Yo! It's 9AM. Where's the sour cream pancakes with coconut syrup?

ME: Dude - reunion is over.

(later that same day)

STOMACH: Yo! It's 2PM. Were's the grilled ahi with garlic butter sauce?

ME: Don't start!

We had lots of good food on the reunion, but more importantly, plenty of leisure time with which to devour it. The first half of the reunion was spent at a house with a swimming pool. Most days consisted of 2 pool sessions divided by lunch. We then put on a kids dinner, sent them to bed, and did an adults dinner. I am willing to admit that I gained 8 pounds in 2 weeks. I will now try to work it off.

I went to the reunion resigned to the fact that there may not be any good surf while we were there. It turned out that the waves were mostly small and not rideable. There was one day, however, when my brothers in law took me to Ala Moana, and I had a blast. I have a little video from then that I will try to post.

One of the best parts of the reunion, for me, was seeing our kids get to know their Ohki cousins better. For the most part, the kids got along amazingly well, which is mostly a testament to how great the Ohki cousins are. Kai and his cousin Max did have their share of disagreements over toy ownership, but it was nothing out of the ordinary for 2 year olds. It was fun to see Kai and Max play together, nonetheless.

We did spend some time on the flowrider, a machine that spits out water at an extremely high rate so that you can kind of surf on it. Jerome came with us on the last night we went, and learned how to ride it on a boogie board. I had a great time, but also incurred numerous injuries, most of little consequence. That's all for now, although I reserve the right to blog more about the reunion later.


Jules said...

Nice! I also have friends, relatives, and other connections that I don't deserve, which adds up to a lot of great vacations. I'm lately reveling in my "Kato Kaelin" alter ego.

twoplustwins said...

Ooo, don't get me started about the fake bake. Just because they use the typed of radiation that we don't know as much about does not mean that we have any evidence that it's safe. Also, as the derm profs at the U will tell you, burning does not all of a sudden mean that you did damage to your skin - it's an arbitrary line, and you were doing damage to your skin the whole time. I used to let myself tan up a storm until I saw some melanoma patients in the hospital. If you catch it early enough, you're fine, but if it metastasizes at all, there are exactly zero chemo agents that can do anything about it. You're going to die in a hurry. All that to say that I now lather on the sun screen, and do the same for my kids. Sorry for the medical lecture - I did enjoy the blog.

Gillian said...

I'll confess that I went to a tanning booth twice in high school. I thought that it was pretty relaxing (it was the bed kind), but then I bought a dermatology book called "How to Wash Your Face" and now I'm a sunscreen fanatic (sunscreen moisturizer every single day for the past 6 years...) of course, after Costa Rica I probably am doomed to skin cancer anyway.

Kersten said...

Ha Ha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah. Just the picture of the fake bake in my head will keep me laughing for weeks. That is awesome!

tams said...

To Jules & Scott: Where does one find these friends, relatives, and other connections--I seem to like hanging out with you guys most and that has seemed to leave me out of the other loops! Probably a good thing since I am definitely one who should stay out of the fake bake booth--though I too must admit to going to one when I was in college. I never noticed a difference so was glad to spend no more money on it.

Joe said...

Scott, very funny about the fake baking. I want before and after pictures posted!

Kersten said...

I should clarify that I wasn't laughing AT you. I was just remembering the many tricks I tried to get my albino skin to tan as I was growing up.