Sunday, September 14, 2008

Who knows how useful this will be but I'm trying to do some new things
this week on the blog. This is partially because I've been in a
terrible posting drought and also because I've wanted to figure out
how twitter works for some time. Anyone who wants to join me on the
twitter experiment let me know. In the meantime here is a picture of
johnny who is staying with is until mom and dad get back from Scotland.


Jules said...

do you mean twitter? Hmmm... I'm always up for something new.

unevensideburns said...

Um, yes. My annoying phone always replaces "twitter" with "twitted", as if that is a real word. Ok fine, it is a real word, but nobody uses it.

Grandma's Musings said...

I don't know what to think of twitter. Some flesh is usually appreciated. I am still waiting for the 10 best reasons for moving to Pullman. Please?