Sunday, September 21, 2008


These popovers were fantastic. Taste great with just butter or (as
Tom, Mari and I found out) with pears sautéd in maple syrup topped
with goat cheese.


Gillian said...

The day after you announced your twittering, Marketplace had a segment about how twittering is the next big thing for big companies trying to take care of their customers. You beat them to the punch. I like your twitters, and I would probably be into twittering if a) I had a twitter-friendly device or unlimited texting, or b) it didn't take me so long to trim down my thoughts (OK, it would probably do me good).

Speaking of being ahead of the curve, we classical musicians have been pondering Chinese domination for a long time. While parental/cultural pressure has produced a huge quantity of great players, the single-minded focus ironically deprives most of them of the human understanding that defines the greatest musicians. Let me try to twitter that:
In the end, hard work/creativity/freedom trumps hard work/perfectionism/government pressure. Works for arts, can it work for business?

Grandma's Musings said...

I never even knew I wanted a popover, but I do now...but goat cheese?

1384 n said...

The popovers look fantastic! But what I really want to say is how impressed I am that you keep a blog. I wish my husband would. We miss your family. Can you add that recipe to your blog?